Controlled Humidity Nanoindentation of Polymer Films
The mechanical properties of polymer is modified as the environmental humidity elevates. Transient moisture effects, a.k.a. mechano-sorptive effects arises as the polymer absorbs high moisture content and experiences accelerated creep behavior. The higher creep compliance is a result of complex combined effects such as increased molecular mobility, sorption-induced physical aging and sorption-induced stress gradients.
Therefore, a reliable and quantitative test (Humidity Nanoindentation)of the sorption-induced influence on the mechanical behavior of polymeric materials at different moisture level is in need. The Nano module of the Nanovea Mechanical Tester applies the load by a high-precision piezo and directly measures the evolution of force and displacement. Uniform humidity is created surrounding the indentation tip and the sample surface by an isolation enclosure, which ensures measurement accuracy and minimizes the influence of drift caused by humidity gradient.