Monthly Archives: March 2017

Corrosion 2017 | Visit Nanovea Booth 1554
Corrosion the world’s largest corrosion conference and exposition is coming to “The Big Easy.” Each year we welcome more than 6,000 corrosion engineers, scientists, researchers, technicians, asset owners, inspectors, and other professionals from over 60 countries across the world. This comprehensive conference is packed with technical education and knowledge exchange plus opportunities to connect with industry experts and peers focused on the prevention and mitigation of corrosion worldwide.. For more information or to request guest passes please Contact Nanovea.

Optoelectronic Film Inspection Using 3D Profilometry
Optoelectronic film devices and systems convert visible or infrared radiation to electrical signals. Thin-film optoelectronic devices have a wide variety of applications, including photocells, solar cells and LEDs, etc. The continual development of the optoelectronic thin films and the associated technologies such as impurity incorporation, etching and surface chemistry aims for improving the photoconversion at micro or nano scale levels.

Self Cleaning Glass Coating Friction Measurement
Self cleaning glass coating possesses a low surface energy that repels both water and oils. Such a coating creates an easy-clean and non-stick glass surface that protects it against grime, dirt and staining. The easy-clean coating substantially cuts the water and energy usage on glass cleaning. It does not require harsh and toxic chemical detergents, making it an eco-friendly choice for a wide variety of residential and commercial applications, such as mirrors, shower glasses, windows and windshields.