Monthly Archives: August 2013

Nanomechanical Testing of Thermal Transfer Print
We must simulate the process of scratching in a controlled and monitored manner to observe sample behavior effects. In this application, the Nanovea Mechanical Tester, in nano scratch testing mode, is used to measure the nanomechanical load required to cause failure to 3 micron wax/resin prints on coated paper. A 2μm 90° cone diamond tip stylus is used at a progressive load ranging from 0.10 mN to 0.20 mN to scratch the printed surface. Points of failure will be reviewed. In addition, we have also used nanoindentation mode to obtain hardness and elastic modulus of the sample prints.

Surface Measurement Using 3D Profilometry
In this application the Nanovea ST400 Profilometer is used for surface measurement of an exposed piece of carbon fiber. The area measured was selected at random, and assumed large enough in that it could be extrapolated to make assumptions about a
much larger surface. Surface roughness, surface area, wavelength, fractal analysis and other surface parameters are used to characterize the surface.
Here are examples of materials we tested this month:
• Nanoindentation of glass samples
• Nanoindentation compression of micro features
• Nanoscratch of soft films
• Nanowear of biomedical samples
• Microindentation mapping of welds
3D Non-Contact Profilometry:
• Finish of micro seals
• Texture of micro patterns
• Roughness of transparent gel films
• Flatness of glass samples
• Dimensions of lens samples
• Deposited grid Step Height measurement
• High Temp Wear of various spray coatings
• Friction of submerged polymer samples