Monthly Archives: October 2013

Irvine, Calif., Oct 24, 2013 – Nanovea demonstrates for the first time the ability to measure a continuous Stribeck Curve. Using the Nanovea Tribometer advanced speed control, from 2000 to 0.01 rpm, within 10 minutes software monitoring provides a complete Stribeck Curve. Prior to this advancement lubrication testing of a Stribeck Curve has been shown to be evaluated in a stepwise fashion requiring data stitching. This advancement provides precise data throughout lubricant regime evaluation and substantially reduces time and cost. The test also shows a great potential to be used in different industrial engineering applications.
Learn more in this months app note: Continuous Stribeck Curve Measurement Using Tribometer

MS&T 2013 | October 29-30 Montreal, Quebec Canada. The MS&T partnership of ACerS, AIST, ASM, MetSoc and TMS brings together scientists, engineers, students, suppliers and more to discuss current research and technical applications, and to shape the future of materials science and technology. NACE International will co-sponsor MS&T’13. ►

Continuous Stribeck Curve Measurement Using Tribometer
The Stribeck curves were measured using two lubricant oils with different kinetic viscosities for comparison. The Nanovea Pin-On-Disk Tribometer equipped with the lubrication module was used. The rotational speed decreased at an exponential rate from 2000 to 0.01 rpm to showcase the continuous Stribeck Curve measurement and the precise sensitivity of the Tribometer capabilities.
Continuous Stribeck Curve Measurement Using Tribometer
Here are examples of materials we tested this month:
• Nanoindentation DMA of polymer films
• Nanoindentation compression of micro features
• Nanoindentation creep of composites
• Nano Scratch of micro wire coatings
• Micro Scratch of anodized coatings
• Macroindentation multi cycle failure of micro parts
• Macro Scratch of epoxy coatings
3D Non-Contact Profilometry:
• Roughness of anodized coatings
• Laser micro etching texture measurement
• Flatness of DNA trays
• Step Height of automotive parts
• Dimensions of wafer grid
• Wear Testing anodized coatings
• Wear Testing epoxy coatings
• Stribeck Curve analysis of oil samples

Anodized Coatings Macro Scratch Testing
The process of scratching is simulated in a controlled and monitored manner to observe adhesive or cohesive failures. In this application, the Nanovea Mechanical Tester in its macro scratch testing mode is used to measure the load required to cause failure to anodized coatings produced by different processes.