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Formula Drift Racing Using Material Testing Instruments

Irvine, California – August 2, 2007 – Micro Photonics, announced today the company was named “Official Material Testing Equipment Supplier” for the Formula Drift Professional Racing Series.The sponsorship teams Micro Photonics, a leading provider of instrumentation for material testing and analysis, with Formula Drift Holdings, LLC; the only professional drift racing series in North America. Under the agreement Micro Photonics agrees to provide Formula Drift with instrumentation, and in exchange, Formula Drift grants Micro Photonics all accompanying sponsorship rights and privileges.“Micro Photonics is looking forward to a great relationship with the Formula Drift Professional Racing Series.” Said Pierre Leroux, General Manager, Micro Photonics Surface Test Division. “Since we offer such a diverse selection of instruments, we can provide everything drivers need for equipment verification and quality control. Plus, it’s exciting to be involved with Drift Racing, the interest is tremendous.”Drift racing a highly skilled motor sport that requires drivers to out maneuver their competition by finessing their cars with power slides around a series of corners on a set course, pushing the car’s tire traction to the limits. “Every drift racer on the planet needs a tire durometer!” said Randy Hembrey, Chief Steward Formula Drift Professional Racing Series. The handheld instruments will be used during races to verify tire hardness, critical to race performance.In addition to instrumentation, drivers and staff will benefit from Micro Photonics’ mechanical engineering experience. The alliance also provides an opportunity to build relationships with other Formula Drift Sponsor organizations. Micro Photonics has been a leading provider of material testing instruments and laboratory testing for more than fifteen years. The company specializes in: Nano and Micro Mechanical Testing, X-Ray Micro Tomography, X-Ray Diffraction, 3D Non-Contact Profilometer, Thin Film Analysis, Biological Imaging Instruments and NSOM, SPM & AFM systems.
