Archivos mensuales: abril 2016

Low Load Vickers Hardness Measurement
During Vickers Hardness inevitable user errors are introduced during the measurement of the imprint under the microscope. Especially at low loads, small measurement errors of the indent size will produce large hardness deviations. In comparison, nanoindentation testing evaluates the mechanical properties of a material by driving the indenter tip into the test material and precisely recording the evolution of load and displacement of the tip. It avoids user errors in imprint size measurement.

ICMCTF 2016 San Diego | Vist With Nanovea
Visit Nanovea this week at ICMCTF. For more information or to request guest passes please Contact Nanovea.

Control 2016 Stuttgart | Visit Booth 7220/1 Hall 7
Learn more about Nanovea at Control 2016 this week at booth 7220/1 Hall 7 in Stuttgart Germany April 26th – 29th.