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US Nanotechnology Instrument Manufacturer Proves the Success of R&D Stimulus
Irvine CA, Jan 25, 2010 – Like many throughout the country, you may be asking how the billions poured into science R&D has helped stimulate our economy. Well, look no further than the nanotechnology instrument manufacture, Nanovea based in Irvine, CA. 2009 just ended as their first branded year with new hires, new instruments and more business to send to their local machine shops and parts suppliers. From their Irvine, CA office Nanovea designs and manufactures 3D Perfilómetros, Mechanical Testers & Tribómetros to combine the most advanced testing capabilities in the industry:Scratch, Adhesion, Hardness, Wear, Friction & 3D Non-Contact Metrology at Nano, Micro & Macro range. Unlike other manufactures Nanovea also provides Laboratory Services, offering clients availability to the latest technology and optimal results through improvements in material testing standards. So what does Nanovea have to do with the stimulus given to research in the United States? Well coincidently, everything and here’s how. The stimulus given to research labs, universities and companies was intended for the development of new innovations and materials to support growing industries such as solar, energy, biomedical etc. To create new, and or improve, material requires new instruments to measure and insure material characteristics during research and development. Then, instrumentation would also be needed to monitor the mass development of these new materials for quality control. Nanovea had been designing and manufacturing instruments for this very purpose since 2004 and had been preparing for a brand launch at the end of 2008. With the direction of a newly hired marketing manager Nanovea prepared its launch in one of the most challenging economic times the US may have ever faced. Nanovea embraced the challenge and took full advantage of the needs of the research community both in the US and Internationally. With three clear product lines and services Nanovea provided solutions throughout 2009 to high growth industries in need of nano through macro scale measurement needs. Now 2010 has already begun with several new projects throughout the world and with local solar, pharmaceutical and medical clients throughout California. “Being a US manufacturer of nano instruments and services during this time has provided us with some great opportunities to establish our brand. We are very thankful and also very proud that were able to support the economy with new hires and business to our local partners.” —Pierre Leroux, Nanovea President | Ceo