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Thermomechanical Analysis of Solder Using Nanoindentation

Solder joints are subjected to thermal and/or external stress when the temperature exceeds 0.6 Tm where Tm is the melting point of the material in Kelvin. The creep behavior of solders at elevated temperatures can directly influence the reliability of solder interconnections As a result, a reliable and quantitative thermomechanical analysis of the solder at different temperatures is in need. The Nano module of the Nanovea Comprobador mecánico applies the load by a high-precision piezo and directly measures the evolution of force and displacement. The advanced heating oven provides a uniform temperature at the tip and sample surface, which ensures measuring accuracy and minimizes the influence of thermal drift.

Thermomechanical Analysis of Solder Using Nanoindentation


Tribología de alta temperatura

Dureza al rayado a alta temperatura mediante tribómetro

Los materiales se seleccionan en función de los requisitos de servicio. Para las aplicaciones que implican cambios de temperatura y gradientes térmicos significativos, es fundamental investigar las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales a altas temperaturas para conocer a fondo los límites mecánicos. Los materiales, especialmente los polímeros, suelen ablandarse a altas temperaturas. Muchos fallos mecánicos se deben a la deformación por fluencia y a la fatiga térmica que sólo tienen lugar a temperaturas elevadas. Por lo tanto, se necesita una técnica fiable para medir la dureza al rayado a altas temperaturas con el fin de garantizar una selección adecuada de los materiales para aplicaciones a altas temperaturas.

Dureza al rayado a alta temperatura mediante tribómetro



In Situ Morphology at High Temperature Using 3D Profilometry

High temperature environment can change the surface texture, roughness and shapes of materials, resulting in device malfunction and mechanical failures. To ensure the quality of materials or devices used at elevated temperatures, accurate and reliable in situ morphology monitoring of the shape evolution at high temperatures is in need to provide insight into the mechanism of material deformation. Moreover, real-time monitoring of surface morphology at high temperatures is very useful in materials processing, such as laser machining. The Nanovea 3D Non-Contact Profilometers measure the surface morphology of materials without touching the sample, avoiding introducing additional scratches or shape alteration which may be caused by contact technologies such as sliding stylus. Its capacity of non-contact measurement also makes it possible to measure the shape of melted samples.

In Situ Morphology at High Temperature