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Polymer Belt Wear

Wear & Friction Of Polymer Belts Using Tribometer


In this study, we simulated and compared the wear behaviors of belts with different surface texture to showcase the capacity of Nanovea Tribometer in simulating the wear process of the belt in a controlled and monitored manner.

Wear & Friction Of Polymer Belts Using Tribometer

Nanoindentation Frequency Sweep

DMA Frequency Sweep On Polymer Using Nanoindentation

In this application, the Nanovea Mechanical Tester, in Nanoindentation mode is used to study the
viscoelastic properties of a polished tire sample at different DMA frequencies.

DMA Frequency Sweep On Polymer Using Nanoindentation

Polymer Belt Roughness

Roughness & Texture Of Polymer Belts Using 3D Profilometry

The roughness and texture of two belts were measured and compared using the Nanovea ST400 optical profilometer to showcase the capability of the Nanovea optical profilometer in providing comprehensive and user friendly surface analysis of belts with different textures.

Roughness & Texture Of Polymer Belts Using 3D Profilometry

Here are examples of materials we tested this month:


• Nanoindentation of individual phases within metal cross section
• Nanoindentation hardness of thin polymer sheeting
• Macro scratch testing of titanium nitride coatings
• Macro scratch testing of Xylan coating

3D Non-Contact Profilometry:

• Roughness of nonwoven fabrics
• Topography of pipe sealant
• Coplanarity measurement of ball grid arrays
• Dimensions of aspheric lenses


• Friction testing of bicycle grease
• High temperature wear testing of ceramic casting material