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Here are examples of materials we tested this month:


• Nanoindentation of multi-layered rubber tubing
• Nanoindentation of dlc coating
• Nanoscratch of thin copper & alumina coating
• Microindentation ultimate tensile strength of steel samples
• Microscratch brittle metallic coatings
• Macroindentation compression of hard particles

3D Non-Contact Profilometry:

• Roughness of large silicon ingot
• Isotropy of textured cable
• Dimensions of MEMS
• Topography of golf ball
• Topography of fish scale
• Area of textured metal


• Friction testing textured cable
• Friction testing lubrication
• Wear testing dlc coating
• Wear testing treated steel

The Profilometer Becomes a Tool For Zoology Research!

Above is a 3D surface measurement of a fish scale with interest to identify front and back surface characteristics. Zoology Research is yet another example of the endless possible applications for the accuracy of the Nanovea Profilometer. Learn more in this months application note.

Fish Scale Surface Characterization Using 3D Profilometry

In this application the Nanovea ST400 Profilometer is used to scan the entire surface of the scale, along with a smaller higher resolution scan in the center of the scale The outer and inner side surface roughness of the scale was also measured for comparison.

Surface Characterization of Fish Scale Using 3D Profilometry

Mechanical & Tribological Properties of Carbon Fiber

Combined with the wear test by Tribometer and surface analysis by Optical 3D Profilometer, we
showcase the versatility and accuracy of the Nanovea instruments in testing composite materials
with directional mechanical properties.

Mechanical & Tribological Properties of Carbon Fiber