Comprobadores mecánicos | Servicios de laboratorio | Nano Module | Micro Module | Notas de aplicación
Nano Wear Process:
During Nano Wear a pin or a ball is loaded onto a test sample with a stable weight with feedback control. Depth change is recorded precisely during the test using a precision capacitor. Wear rate is calculated with this information. Wear rates for the pin and the disk can also be calculated from the volume of material measured with an attached AFM or Optical Profilometer. Linear mode with friction measurement is possible with the standard x-y motorized table while rotative tests require the rotation table upgrade. The nano module can also be used to measure friction coefficient at very low load.
- ASTM G 133
Properties Analyzed During Nano Wear:
- Wear Rates
- Friction Coefficient
Nano Wear Software Features:
- Recipes
- Export Raw Data and Images
- Real Time Display
- Automatic Reporting
- Multi-Language Support
Advanced Nano Wear Automation:
- Broadview Map Selection Tool: Advanced Mapping on stitched image
- Automated multi-sample testing (handles height variance of up to 50mm)
- Navigation Plus: User Friendly surface navigation imaging
- Quick Approach, Auto Surface Detection and Auto Analysis
- Direct Easy Calibration Tools for Load & Depth
- Savable recipes of all macros programmed
Indenters: (Diamond, WC and many other materials)
- Conical-Spherical
- Vickers
- Knife
- 1 to 6mm balls
Environmental Conditions & Sample(s) Holders:
- 275°C & 450 °C Oven
- 100°C down to -10°C Cooling Chamber
- Humidity Chamber
- Liquid Cups
- Custom Sample & Indenter Holders
Additional Nano Module Testing: