月度档案。11 月 2016
In-line Inspection Game Changer
Using in-line inspection (POINT or LINE SENSORS) Nanovea’s unique in-line software package can measure and analyze “live” roughness and texture parameters meeting standards for up to 8 points sensors or up to 4 line sensors. The software has many features including pass and fail criteria specific to each sensor or average of all sensors. Acquisition rates of more than 1,300,000 points per seconds. This is ideal for any film/paper sheet measurements and other in-line applications. Nanovea provides integration support including specific mounting structure.
Tribology Inspection of Titanium Nitride Coatings By Tribometer
Wear of the tools in service creates loss of dimensions and functionality of the tools. It has significant influence on the tool life, as well as the surface integrity and dimension accuracy of the finished products. The tribo-mechanical properties of the protective ceramic coatings can substantially enhance the service performance and lifespan of the machine tools. Reliable and accurate tribology inspection of such protective coatings becomes vital to ensure quality performance of the tools.
Visit Nanovea at SciTech Forum
The AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum) has continued to grow in each succeeding year, drawing participants from around the globe. Plenary and Forum 360 participants tackled the most pressing issues impacting the future of aerospace, while the technical program presented innovative research and technologies that offer solutions. Learn More